A company called AnchorChips now owned by Cypress came out with an innovative and useful product a while ago: Depending on the device and firmware in use, the -s option may also be necessary to specify a second stage loader. Normally, firmware will then "renumerate" by disconnecting from USB and then reconnecting as a new device. The usbstress software http: For typical "flat" memory architectures, a loader supporting the 0xA3 vendor request is used to write into that memory. Lines beginning with a " " character are ignored, and may be used to hold copyright statements and other information. Plus, it's easier to distribute updated firmware if you don't need to upgrade a kernel driver to do that. Uploader: Meztijar Date Added: 16 September 2018 File Size: 67.14 Mb Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X Downloads: 26240 P...